

It’s June of 2010 and I’m in my living room watching the news with my parents.

Coverage of the G20 protests were on every news channel, now-famous video footage and photographs of rioters clad in black, pillaging the city of Toronto and burning police cars were everywhere.

“I wish I was there,” I told my parents. “I wish I could be taking pictures.”

The city was only 45 kilometres away from home but it may as well have been 45, 000. They didn’t let me go.

At the time, I  was heading into grade 9 after summer break with plans of pursuing art after high school.

For two years after that, my heart was rooted in drawing and painting. All the while, almost every day, I filmed my friends skateboarding daily. I would take the footage home to my computer and edit them into montages, and post them onto YouTube. I was obsessed with documentation, and couldn’t bring myself to leave the house without a camera, not realizing at the time that this compulsion would be my career one day.

In April of 2013, I no longer wanted to pursue art. Cooking was now my passion.

From April until November of that year, I scouted out the best culinary arts programs in the area, honing in on George Brown college as my go-to. In December, I had a conversation with my English teacher that changed my life.

She told me that I was a good writer and that it would be a waste of my writing talents if I went on to pursue a career as a chef. Needless to say, I took her advice.

Fast forward to present day and I’m in the midst of my final year at Humber College for journalism, specializing in print and online. I’m interning for Urbanology magazine and am curating a few of my poems and personal photos for my first poetry book, which I hope to be out mid-late 2017. On top of that, I’m producing an album with a friend of mine, which will also be out some time in 2017.

In addition to those projects, my future holds the possibility of me one day covering combat, or music. My mom keeps begging me to cover music. We’ll see.



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